School Progress Report (Day 3)
It rained the WHOLE day today. And to add to the v depressive weather, was almost late in sending Danielle to nursery. She needed to make 'doo-doo' at the last minute! As usual, she went 'undercover' but the minute I heard her straining 'grunts', I gave her marching orders to use her potty. After that, we scrambled like mad out of the door!
Ran all the way, with her in pram to Lochinvar. Poor dear started crying when we reached the gates. She knew exactly what was going to happen next... Left her distraught in the hands of her teacher, Teresa. Then hurried home in the rain, frazzled and upset.
You know, it's kinda bittersweet having your child unwilling to let go of you, or have you out of sight? On the one hand, you want her to be independant. On the other, it feels so darrrrrn good to be wanted, needed?
Don't know how I'll feel when she finally skips to school, and gives that dismissive wave that seems to say, 'it's all right, I don't need you to accompany me. You can go home now, Mummy'.
It's ironical, I know. Blame it on sentimentality. Sigh...I'm so going to miss these days when being her Mummy... is being her all.
1 comment:
Ah yes... Kae is halfway between the "Bye that's all for now ibu. Shoo!" and the "MUMMY! I NEED YOU!" stages.
Some days he is so heck care... "cartoons + toys more important than mummy" days.
Some days he clings on to me... "super manja or i miss u or i dun feel well" days.
He used to run and hug me and nag me everytime I headed out when he was younger... these days if whatever on TV is more 'important', I just get a dismissive "Bye" & a wave whilst his eyes remain glued to the TV and his butt, glued to the sofa.
Like U I feel & understand the bittersweetness... I am sure our parents felt that way too.
I just remind all the time to never forget that he can always confide in Mummy+Papa B and that Mummy+Papa B loves him in all seasons and regardless of what he does.
This important message I keep reinforcing in him coz I am so afraid that if it doesnt sink in now, when he becomes a teen he will be afraid to come to Ian and I to talk stuff out.
Similarly, when I correct I do it in a way where I will not strike so much fear in him when i discipline him that it leads to frustration and rebellion later on in life.
I've always felt frustrated with the way my Mum treats me and my Dad... so I am careful to learn from the mistakes and not let myself fall into such a pattern.
Anyawyz... For now, we should juz enjoy their childlike innocence and love and pray over them so they will remain this close and loving with us + this pure in their hearts. ^.^
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