Thursday, October 12, 2006

Down Hysteria Lane...

Latest update on what I now term 'Danielle's School Blues'.

She's taken to whimpering whenever we go out, thinking I'm packing her off to school. No worse, she starts crying when I'm changing her out of her clothes! Her waterworks only stop when she realises we're heading in a different direction, or when we go past, not turn into, the road leading to her 'perdition'.

Yes, it seems her 'topo' skills are in top form. Papa will be most proud...*roll eyes*

Today, the minute our buggy swung round the bend into Oldridge Road, she started howling piteously. The teacher had to literally 'peel' her away from me...

You know those tear-jerking movies that show lovers being (cruelly) separated? Or action flicks where some 'calla fare' (which language gave birth to this word? Cantonese? How the heck do you spell it?) hangs precariously off a cliff/building trying desperately to grasp onto something, anything??! Well today, I felt as though one such scene was being played infront of me.

My daughter, the proteganist, frantically tries to cling onto her 'saviour' (played by none other than yours truly). Despite her best efforts, she manages to only 'brush fingertips' with me before she's viciously consumed by the flames of 'Nursery Hell'!!!

So much for my bit of 'drama'. Let's see how the plot unravels next week. Hopefully, with a happier ending? *Fingers crossed*


Pooh said...

I'm sure she'll get used to it sooner or later.

Maybe try reminding her that you'll be back at a certain time to pick her up. That way, she can learn how to tell time and be assured that you are coming (provided you are not late lah).


As The Deer said...


Yea I know what you're talking about. Kae went through that phase too.

Then one day, he decided big boy le and started handling these stuff very well.

Maybe to help her be less stressful, let her know when she's being prepared to head to school and when you are preparing to take her out to gai gai.

Agree with Hobbes.

Establish a trust with her so she knows that Mummy will come at what time to pick her and be there on the dot as much as possible so she finds reassurance and confidence in that.

Pls dun tell her going gai gai if going to school =) Be honest with her so she knows Mummy's words are trustworthy.

I get upset when my Mum tells me in Mandarin to lie to Kae about stuff. It makes him harbour resentment against the language (backstabbing lingo to him mah) and will cause him to wonder if his family are always BS-ing him. =p

I never want Kae to think Mum is a liar to him. I always feel bad when I have to tell a white lie to him. Sighs.

Being a Mum is tough eh? =)

HUGS but hang on in there... we're there for U!

Saggs said...

Oh I ALWAYS reassure her that I'll be back and never lie to her about where she's going. It's a phase, I know. We'll just have to see how she does week by week. :)
Thx guys.