Tuesday, June 26, 2007

That, which begins with P

Imagine if you will - me, with a tie-dyed scarf wrapped around ma head, yellow-tinted glasses, long wooden beads strung round my giraffe-esque neck. Oh, let's not forget a limp, floppy afro (becoz let's face it - my hair's so darn thick there's no way in hell I can hold up this 'formation').

I'm a vision of PEACE. LOVE. and... omigosh, omigosh, I can scarcely say it -- FREEDOM!

I'm giving y'all the hand-gesture of peace even while I type. Oh yes, sweet, sweet, sweet solitude.

Danielle's snoring behind me. She's asleep, at 7PM. *neon lights flashin'*

I'm pinching myself in disbelief, I am.

For the past 2~3 weeks, I've been maxing out the hours of the afternoon with Danielle. We make trips to the One O'clock club. We feed ducks. We trawl the supermarket. We enjoy free babycinnos at Starbucks (I'm a paying customer of course!). We visit the local libraries, or another common.

We also meet families for playdates. And that's been rather productive of late. We've met new families, in addition to Makiko and Dan, Silke and Nelson. There's Yuki, Yumiko (Yuki's mum) and baby Kai, Yemi and Bunmi, and yesterday, we went to Tooting Common with Leo and his mum, Justine.

colouring wth Yuki, who's 4 and is half Jap/ English.

Bunmi & Danielle, expending all their energy. Woot woot!

So with nada naps in between, Danielle is one VERY knackered bunny. And I'm one VERY happy hippy. :)


1 comment:

Pooh said...

hahahah... wah lao eh. Turning into a hippie mom eh.