Friday, June 22, 2007

Molly Wishin'

I've been feeling rather broody. I could put it down to a case of raging hormones that occur every month, but I suspect it's the news of births and pregnancies that have heightened my senses for all things babyish & maternal.

I get all giggly and coo-ish when I see a newborn, and I ogle at expectant mums with their orblike bellies, all bulbous and beautiful. Going off tangent for a mo, don't you think pregnant bellies closely resemble shiny bald pates? Makes one itch to give 'em a good rub-a-dub-dub. Heh.

I've been surfing for baby girl names over the internet, and that's become another fav past time. It's sooo difficult finding another nice-sounding D name though. Especially one with a strong meaning attached. So far, I've scoured through heaps of eeky-sounding ones like: Damica, Delmira, or what about Dayanara, which spine-chillingly means 'husband slayer'?! Who, in their right mind, would name their child that?!!

Without going into coital details (dad/mum, I hope you're NOT reading this!), Dee and I have been rather fruitless in our attempts at creating bébé deux. Every month, I wait with bated breath in the hope that I'll not have to slap on my 30p value sanitary pad. But up to this moment, it's been peel, slap and errm, adjust.

At night, while Danielle lies all curled up and sleeping, I hold her hands in mine and try to recall how much smaller those hands were when she was a wee bub. Then lament that she has my rough, liney hands. I take a whiff of her hair and it smells of the fruity sweetness of her kiddy shampoo, not the milky peachy (methinks it's Johnson's Baby Bathgel) scent of a newborn.
Whilst I love Danielle at this age (or any age for that matter!), I yearn for another mini me. Or another mini dee.

I know everything has its place and time. So I hold onto Hope and Faith that God will provide. That is, if He so wishes... :)

danielle, a day old :)

danielle's hand @ 3mths


As The Deer said...

Dear Chi Chi, am sure Daddy will bless you with another little one. You've been doing such a great job with Little Dee.

D names... Desiree? Debbie? Dennise? =)

Unknown said...

perhaps you could consider another "ielle" name instead of a D name, e.g. gabrielle.

Anonymous said...

hey sweets ... in God's time ...

also with ur move and all, this would be an awful time for Molly to come!

And i think u don't need to worry abt girl names, i'm telling u, it'll be a boy for sure, ur second one!

hugs, mabes

Daughter Of Sarah said...

Dot's suggestion of Gabrielle is nice... that's a lovely name. =)

Saggs said...

Thanks for the name suggestions. Unfortunately, the v obstinate papa D insists all names must start with the letter D. *roll eyes*

Anonymous said...

My bet is that the next one is going to be a David..:)

Hey, the trick is to 'enjoy' the making, then the bub will come..:)
As i always say, is the choice of 'attire' that you wear to bed that works miracle..:) If not, try some handstands..heehee

well, jokes aside, i am sure the blessing will come when God feels is ready..:)