Friday, February 02, 2007

Living life on a schedule & a new tomodachi...

This week has been quite an eventful week for me. Now that Danielle has officially begun full week nursery (2.5 hrs every weekday), I find time passing a little faster, and days a little less strenuous.

Can it be true? Have I found the elixir to a less frazzled SAHM life? Oh, fingers crossed, fingers crossed!

Since becoming a SAHM, I realise the role requires an almost draconian-like discipline and schedule. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a little. But what I mean is - it is imperative to form a certain (daily) routine to retain that bit of sanity, and that mutually benefits both child & Mummy.

I'm faaar from being a pedantic parent, though. I try to set routines but most times sometimes, my body & mind give in to more 'sinful' pleasures like... lying comatose on the couch; oblivious even to Danielle's incessant screams & pummels, and doodling endless circles & other non-descript sketchings for the REST of the afternoon. Also, it's much less work making a read-mix cake than walking 10 minutes to the park IN THE FRIGGIN' COLD and back. You know what I mean?

But boh pian, I have to try. Harder.

Which brings me to where I am now. My psuedo-Nirvana.

Since signing Danielle up for weekly nursery, I've scheduled her nursery timings around library reading sessions & the One O'clock Club. And if I'm invited on Mummy dates, I'll swap the library or One O'clock with those. If not, there are walks to the park/neighbourhood or planned window-shopping/grocery trips. This way, we're packed with a number of activities to fritter away the hours of the day...but more importantly, to stop us from killing each other!

More updates on how we're going with this routine in later postings...if I remember.

Speaking of Mummy dates, I met up with a Japanese church member and her 4YO son on Friday. We were invited to their home at Belsize Park. I must say, I was a little nervous as Makiko doesn't speak fluent English. As for my Japanese... what Japanese? I only know a smattering! Genki? Arigato! Gomen ne!

I prayed before going over to theirs. And thanks to God, all went well. The kids actually had a blast, albeit Dan's toys were mainly 'Thomas the Engine' trains and tracks, toy cars and Jap story books and origami.

Every now and then, Dan would toggle between speaking to us in English and Japanese. Which, would have Danielle & me scratching our heads and stare blankly at each other. Makiko would occasionally bring out her Japanese-English digital dictionary whenever she forgot a word to describe what she wanted to say. But even more strangely- as though I was transported back to my SONY days - I started punctuating my sentences with Japanese-accented Engrish! So desu ne, sugoii, really ka?, ne... I even had to bite my tongue to stop myself from blurting, 'Oh rea-rry?'

It was all very surreal, but honto ni weird ne...

But enough of rambling, here are some pictures of our day with the Takao-s!


Anonymous said...

I am sooo happy for you that you've made another new friend in London! Amd Makiko sounds AND looks like a very nice lady... couldnt stop luffin' out loud at your urge to wanna say "oh rearry"...hohohohoho!!

Btw, Makiko's son looks soo cute lah! I'm glad Doey got on well with him....bodes well for Bojo?

Hug hug

Oriana and Reuben said...

whoa what a good looking kid. good thing danielle not of age to think so such things yet hee.

Anonymous said...

B, Makiko's son is COMPETITION for Bojo!

hee hee ... mabes

Anonymous said...

Mabes...what you talkin abt??!!??! Bojo is 3 yrs YOUNGER than Doey? I meant least Doey likes to play with boys ... Errr, actually, that came out sounding 'wrong' too! Ahahahaha...aunties of filthy minds!

Anonymous said...

B ... women live much longer than men ... so really 3 yrs is nothing ...

Bojo and Doey, holy matrimony ... hey when Bojo's of age, we can have one of those pretend marriage stuff we used to play when we were young at Kwera's place, how cute!


Saggs said...

Pls keep the young boys hands off my daughter. (Ooohhh! being presumptuous here with Nimo! Heh heh)

It would be sooo wrong. Like incest!


Anonymous said...

syl, if i remember correctly as Steph's wedding, Doey was running after a boy!!! and almost made her father "lao kui" ok ....

so whos hands should we keep off whom then? hee hee ...


Saggs said...

Bleh to you, Nimo's mum. And she wasn't running after Hiro kun, she was merely 'playing catch' with him! *ahem*