Wednesday, June 20, 2007

And that little piggy...

This space is fast becoming a bulletin board for births. Did I mention 2007 is THE year for babies? Sure I did. And let me tell you, these piglets are popping out faster than I can say 'Oink!'

This entry is particularly close to my heart as the precious bundle of joy is Clarissa Tay. My niece. Also the third and latest (last?!) addition to my wonderful sister Viv's family.

I just received her photos via email today. The Tays are still in Australia post-birth and probably enjoying the winter there, snuggling up close together. Looking at the photos made me smile, and made my heart swell with pride just that bit more...

I could not ask for better, or more for my sis. She deserves every bit of the blessings our Father has bestowed on her and her family. I've never been prouder than I am today - an Ah Yee to 3 lovely little girls, and a sister to a wonderful mother, sister, person, friend.

This place in time? It's slowly climbing up the charts as my favourite family moment.

my fav 3 roses

the ever-loving Tay family


Shalom said...

Can't wait to see the little sweetie in person! She's got really pretty features... just like her 2 sisters. I wonder how Anna is coping with being the jie jie. Hehe. Nice to see her fringe has grown out at last keke. Also love how being in Ozzie has given em all such rosy cheeks!

Anonymous said...

congrats to ur sis!! she looks great! Wow..amazing 3 beauties in a row.. thats good :)