Thursday, August 09, 2007

All Bashed Up

We are throwing a birthday party for Danielle... eeeeps!

I had been mulling over this for weeks and finally, on Sunday (5th Aug), I decided to go ahead with the bday bash.


In making this decision, (it kinda feels like) I'm:
a) picking up the pace and living Motherhood in the fastlane (or deathlane?!)
b) throwing caution to the wind, no, make it a Twister
c) signing on the dotted line for voluntary euthanasia (pls someone, anyone, pull the plug if something goes so, SO wrong! PLEASE! Tolong ah!)
d) spiralling down a dark, dark abyss ... wheeeeee... vertigo....

and oh, just for good measure, e) kena 'bashed' *biff boof bish!*

I know, I'm abit melodramatic. It's the part-Peranakan in me. It thrives on drama. And while we're on the topic, I think most peranakans are dramatic (we gesture alot, speak in magnified tones), MCPs, naggy, idiosyncratic, or gay. It's true!

Anyway, I'm having kittens over here, ok! So throw me a ball... of wool! yarn! catnip?!

Since Sunday, I've been trying to get organised - doing an invite list, emailing and smsing playdate mums/dads to invite their 2, 3, 4, 5 YOs to the party.

And, I've been busy online. Making purchases like this:

party cupcakes. so pretty!
charlie and lola party decor, in case you didn't know
And this:
friggin ugly dolls but she loves them!
Our special bday present to her, amongst other things

I'm practically peeing in my pants thinking of the food menu, games to play, what to put in the lootbags, the party decor, the logistics, wet weather plans, choice of wrapping paper, thank you cards, etc...

I didn't know planning a party for a 3YO would be such hard work!

If you're asking why I'm still going ahead with it seeing how it's giving me the heebiejeebies -- geez, I've been asking myself the same question everyday!

I guess a huge motivating factor is that this could be Danielle's first and last bday bash in London. If I do not do this for her now, I can never replicate it again. And I cannot let the moment pass. So carpe diem?

I hesitate to think how planning her Sweet 16th will be like, or her 21st?! Anyone's seen MTV's 'My Super Sweet 16'? Scary... *shudder*


Pooh said...

hee.. UK Mac's don't do kids parties?
Have ball of a time!


I am "B" said...

First of all, HAR HAR to Jaffat's comments la!!

And now.. back to serious comments.. KUDOS to you Saggs for making the effort! I am too, a firm believer of "Moments".. and I say "CARPE DIEM".... Seize the moment!!! I think its wonderful tt you're taking the BIG LEAP to plan such a fun-filled & special birthday bash for Doey! Take lots of pics & vids... so that she may appreciate the 'special-ness' of the day when she's older & can relive those special mo's!

Hugs to you!