Monday, January 21, 2008

Understanding what it means to be alone

For those who enjoy wholesome, well-scripted, old-fashioned movie classics, may I recommend 'Goodbye Mr Chips' (B&W) starring Robert Donat and Greer Garson? We recently acquired the DVD at HMV for 5 pounds and it is, in my opinion, worth every penny.

My love for movie classics began early and is attributed entirely to my dad. He would - and still does - fill his video library with a gamut of classics of varied genres - comedy, musical, drama, action, etc - making my siblings & I, the happy, fortunate beneficiaries.

Dad, I can't say this enough - thank you so much for enriching my life with these invaluable 'gifts'.

B-grader Dee - in a jaw-dropping moment - sat through the entire movie with me. So did Cheeks. I was pleasantly surprised that she was able to follow both plot and dialog. Intermittently, she'd turn to me and ask a question or two. Amongst them, this:

D: Mama, why did Dr Wetherby die?
M: He was very old, that's why. People die when they are old. When Mama and Papa are old, we will die too.
D: (sombrely) When you die, I will be all alone...

That one, single statement probably affected me more than it did her.

And it does nothing but strengthen my resolve that Danielle ought not be an only child.

** At this juncture, I feel it my moral duty to highlight the tiresome lamentation that is to follow. If you're unable to empathise with my pregnancy woes (not that you're expected to), do yourself a favour - navigate away now to spare yourself the annoyance at my endless drivel on the topic.

It has been over a year. Longer, if I choose to take count. But I choose not to. You understand why.

The start of 2008 has seen me question, increasingly, God's blueprints for my future. What exactly are His plans for me? Am I really to be a mother of one? I'd really like to know.

So many, many questions. I just wish I had answers for all of them.

I've been plaguing myself with these questions: Can I change the course of God's actions (i.e if His will is not what I desire)? Can I make Him change His mind and veer things towards my favour?

Oh I know, my thoughts are selfish and self-absorbed. Can I help it? I am after all human.

Do God's plans change along the way? Or are they etched in stone the minute we're born? I don't know. I'm conflicted.

And that sums up succinctly all that I've been feeling lately - I am angry, I am disconsolate, I am humbled, I am frustrated, I am lost, I am numb. I want to trust, but it's Faith I'm lacking.

I've been trying to talk myself out of this stupidity. Talking to Dee. Talking to God. But hey, He already knows.

I don't want to go against His best laid plans for me. I want to believe in His decisions. I want to accept them knowing they are what's best for me.

But I'm struggling. I'm trying to keep Faith and Hope afloat, but am finding it increasingly difficult to cling onto the lifesaver and simply 'leave things in God's hands'. And my 'acceptance' of the present situation is becoming somewhat perfunctory, laborious, fake.

Despite these, I know He's been reaching out to me. I see it through verses sent my way. Through sermons, hymns. Through the people placed lovingly in my life. That's just the way God is.

These messages leapt out at me the other day, and they definitely struck a chord:

  • I know He will supply all my needs, so why can't I wait?
  • I know He has a plan for me, so why am I rushing it because I am eager to do His will, when it is His time not my time? And,
  • I know that whatever I ask of GOD, GOD will give me, so why am I scared to ask?

I know why, and I'll tell you. Because I'm afraid what I ask for is not part of His plan for me.

Thus, I've grown impatient and resentful. I have, up to this point, been asking unwaveringly for God to supply this one need, desire. Let me be a mother again. But my requests seem to have come to naught. With no positive response in sight, I've started thinking this is not part of God's plans for me. I am unwilling to wait. I don't want to be a mother to just one.

Which, in fleeting moments of lucidity, isn't so bad. At least I have one. And what a beautiful blessing she is in my life. I ought to be content.

I should be content, really. And feel blessed with all that God's bestowed on me.

I guess I could go on and on. But I think this has gone on for longer than it should've. I'm going to end off with this prayer. For me. To serve as a reminder to simply trust.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

--Reinhold Niebuhr

...Faith is the substance of things hoped for,
the evidence of things not seen. (Hbr 11:1)


Anonymous said...

Hi, I chanced upon your blog and have really enjoyed reading about your experiences and cheeks in UK.

I felt the need to leave a comment today to encourage you. For I was in your shoes, the same situation abt two years back. For awhile, all I prayed for was another child, since my elder one was abt three and was very lonely. I wanted to be a mother again badly, after I've gotten thru to my hubby (who only wanted one), it was hard to conceive with us being in two diff countries and visits once a month.

I prayed hard that He will grant me that positive sign on the test kit on my bd but it all came to naught. When I finally resigned myself to the fact that I might just have one... He gave me yet another gift.

and looking back I must say, it was hard then the period when I dont know if what I wanted was in His will and when it will happen. BUt He sure did it in His time when it was the best for us...

and now we are living in a better country, together, with an additional member to the family.

So take heart, pray and knows that He knows and loves you, that all things are made beautiful in His time.

Keeping you in prayers and thoughts...

In His love,
Elaine Swee

Saggs said...

Dear Elaine

Thank you for dropping by but more for taking the time to write to me.

I thank you for sharing your own experience with me and for being an 'additional' sister-in-Christ, who (altho')doesn't quite know me, but still cares enough to remind me of God's timing, His Love and His goodness.

May God continue to shine His Face on you and your family.

Thank you, again.

xx Saggs

Anonymous said...

hey sweetie,

Guess all of us have our own demons to battle..

It has been rough going for me since the year started and i am also trying to find God's voice and plans for me.
This post hits very close to heart.

Admittedly, i have stop searching after awhile and tried to go about on my own strength.
Your sharing reminds me to lean not on your own understanding but lean on HIM.

I afraid i do not have the right words for you to make your situation better or promises that tommorow your prayers will be answered.
But if you take a leaf from elaine and her life testimonial, God do answer prayers.

We are all struggling.. perhaps, it is the journey that God wants to spend time with us, teach us and demonstrate his LOVE for us, and not simply showing us the short cut to the destination.

My dear friend, be encouraged ok.

If you look back, you will see that you are a little more blessed than you were yesterday.

I am walking beside you too...


Is Me

Saggs said...

You're right, Pinks. I do feel more blessed today. And it's becoz of friends like you, and others who showed me their love in their own ways.

As The Deer said...

Heya Chi Chi,

With Faith by your side, you can keep Hope alive in your heart.

Danielle Faith is a truly precious blessing and God's plan for us is always good. So keep hanging on to His promises of good for you, and dun listen to any lies the enemy might whisper in your ears... even more important, dun agree with them.

The bible says children are blessings (Ps 127:4) and altho' we do not know His will, we are told to ask to receive, seek to find, knock to have the door answered to us.

It is always matter of His timing versus our's.

I questioned God, in all honesty, when my last r/s didn't work out and I was miserable, dark and depreseed. I was in so much pain, had you met me then, you might have backed off from me. I was a shadow of what I am today.

I really couldn't see that He had better plans and a better timing. I had a micro view and He had a macro view - and I had a bagful of murmurs that He patiently took from my shoulders with time.

And then your brother came into my life as my precious blessing and all of your family members followed after.

Now I have a happy bear family, 2 soon-to-be lovely sisters-in-grace and really sweet parents-in-grace.

To be honest, I would like to have kids a year or two after our marriage as I dun wan too huge an age gap. But I respect Ian's decision to wait and I respect God's timing... so again, in His Time... =)

This reminds me of a favourite hymn of mine...

"In His Time
In His Time
He makes all things beautiful in His Time...
LORD please show me every day
As You're teaching me your way
That You do just what You say
In Your Time..."

As The Deer said...

P/S: Oh yes I have 2 brothers-in-grace and many many grace-filled nieces that I thank God for as well... =D