Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Bemoaning the speed in which they grow

Cheeks asked me whether she could have her eyebrows plucked today. She'd watched me pluck mine on a number of occasions so I suppose she finally decided that today, she too, wanted to be trimmed and pruned of 'em unsightly strands.

So there I was, having a leisurely shower when she sauntered in, unannounced and unperturbed (by the presence of au naturel *ahem*splendour), and promptly propped herself on the edge of our bathtub. Quick as a wink, she reached out for the bathroom cabinet, into my makeup pouch, then rummaged for my eyebrow tweezers.

In between shampooing my hair and keeping the soapsuds out of my eyes, I watched her with a (rather) 'foamy' hawk-like gaze as she sat there - pinching the tweezer between her thumb and index finger - poised and ready for the 'removal'.

D: Mama, do my eyebrows need to be shorter?
M: Neatened, Cheeks, not shortened.
D: Do I need my eyebrows to be neatened, Mama?
M: No, you most certinly do not. Only Mama needs to do that coz my eyebrows are a bit messy.
D: When I'm grown up and my eyebrows are messy, then can I neaten my eyebrows?
M: Yes, Cheeks, but only when you're all grown up, and if your eyebrows are messy.
D: Ok, I want them to be messy so I can neaten them.

Oh ho! You'd better think twice before you wish for anything, is all I have to say!

Aye, they sure do grow fast.

These tiresome, loathsome, straggly, overgrowth. And I mean them kiddos too. :P


I am "B" said...

Soo cute!!! See, this is why having a little girl is so much more FUN!!! I want!!!!!!

Daughter Of Sarah said...

HAHAHA - I agree B... I hope my next kid is a gal too!! (Kae also wants a sister next time)

Danielle has the cutest aspirations. Lol.

My greatest concern about having more kids is that there will be a significant 11 year or more age gap btw Kae and his siblings...=p That's more than the age gaps btw Syl, Viv & Ian. Eep!

I surrender their relationship to Christ even now. Phew - blessed are we who are in Christ. =D

B - tell us more abt ur son? How's he? =D

=== Geri (lazy to relog in my other google i/d)