Monday, January 14, 2008

Things that make you go Urrggh

I have been driven to distraction by one of Dennis' workshirts! It refuses to be straightened of all its urrgghly wrinkles despite my painstaking efforts to spritz -straighten- iron- spritz- straighten- iron! Heck, I am relegating the darn thing to the far-flung corners of Closet(ia) so it can continue to revel in all its crinkled unironed glory with the rest of its workshirt mates. Seriously, I don't even know why I bother. They all end up looking crimpled and creased in that narrow, cramped up cupboard anyway!

x 1


Wheet Wheet!

I am a wolf-whistling mum who encourages her progeny to shimmy and shake and basically get 'jiggy with it' when it comes to dancing. But I'm not quite sure how to react to the slithery slidey /playful belly-revealing movements we see in this next video:

When asked why she chose to choreograph her dance moves the way she did, in her own defense, she responded, 'I just wanted to show my belly like that lady in the video!' *flutters eyelashes oh-so-innocently*

Urgggh x 100 (a tad too OTT?)!!!!

Oh the perils of having a girl child!


* Oh Gad! My bedroom looks positively hurricane-torn! Urgggh gaaaaah!


Chub & Chum said...

wat a bedroom scene!! hehe. seriously, danielle & ethan should so do their dance number together!

Anonymous said...

WAH! Danielle has the groove going! She has a good sense of rhythm... =D She is so cool lah!! Love her reason, betcha Dennis might get a heart attack when she gets older and wants to show her belly more though keke. She is one cool chicka!

Pooh said...

wah biang eh.... time to restrict her telly time to more wholesome programs than MTV.

Anonymous said...


Oh ya Chi Chi, get a steam iron when U come back from UK! They steam out such stupid wrinkles effortlessly.

I got hooked on to them when I used one in a thrift shop that I worked in as a volunteer back in UK.