Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Lodged somewhere in between

Had I started this blog earlier, I would've amassed a treasure chest full of memories by now. Which, is much more than this brain is capable of accommodating.

I need to write things down. Or they get tossed into my brimming bin of forgetfulness.

And that, ladies and gents, is what age, pregnancy, and motherhood do to you.

'Socks for Supper' was a book of my childhood past, an all-time favourite. But for the past year, I'd been wrecking my brain trying to recall its title. With nothing more than a synopsis, I had very little to work on to bring up a title in my head. So much for it being a favourite, eh?

So today, when it finally came to me, I lunged straight for my computer and did a hasty Google search. As the picture of the bookcover came up on screen, I actually let out a sigh of relief. Found, at last!

I'd hoped to purchase a copy for Cheeks. You know - share a slice of my childhood with her, show her the book Mummy spent hours reading as a child?

But cheezus! The book is practically sold as an antique on eBay/Amazon (UK & US)!!!! Check out the unholy prices. Am not quite sure how to plot my next move - do I wait patiently for prices to drop? Or purchase now before the book becomes a world treasure?

And...once again, YouTube never fails to amaze. Apparently I was not the only one who loved the book. Someone loved it enough to make a short video of this wonderfully sweet story that makes your heart swell with joy, and leaves a lingering smile on your face.


Speaking of swelled up hearts, Cheeks drew me a picture at nursery today:

The drawing's a little faint but,
'It's Mummy, with a BIG heart!'

1 comment:

As The Deer said...

I love the story!!!

Ian remembers it too hehe.

Gonna show it to Kae later =D

Itz so wonderful when they can write love letters and draw loving portraits of their mummies ain't it? =D