Saturday, October 13, 2007


I want to address the issue of 'the mice' again (yes, again). God forbid they're running behind the kitchen cabinets! I am QUITE SURE THEY ARE ERADICTED!!! (pardon the 'shouting' on screen, I need to say this with a measure of conviction!)

More accurately, I want to address Danielle's seemingly keen interest in rodentia.
(I'm not sure how many 'royalty-free' shots I can download from gettyimages but I'm thinking more than I hope to blog!!! Isn' it amazing how fantastically cute they look on photos?!)

She loves talking about these furry critters. I'm not sure whether it's the posters of Ratatouille that line the walls at the Underground, the delightful tales of mice and rats by Beatrix Potter, or the artful mouse from Julia Donaldson's 'The Gruffalo' that are keeping her fixated.

Anyway, this is what she's been saying of mice/rats lately:

M: Danielle, pls eat over the plate so that the crumbs won't fall onto the floor. You know what happens when crumbs are on the floor, don't you?
D: The mice will eat them!
M: Yes, and we wouldn't want that, would we?
D: Noo.... but I will fight them! With... my bolster!

D: When we had mice in the house, we put traps in the kitchen...we did catch them, didn't we?

D: (when in the Underground) Mummy, mummy! Ratatouille! Ratatouille! The rat is stealing cheese from the broken plate!

D: I want to see Samuel Whiskers, and Anna Maria, and Tom Thumb and Hunca Munca and the children, and grandchildren and great-grand children. I want to see many, many mice & rats! (throws head back in laughter)
M: (utterly mortified)

Oh crumbs.


Roslyn said...

Eeeeeks! Mice?!

I am "B" said...

I am ever impressed by Danielle's wonderful gift of expression!! She is way too cute for word la!!

Btw, have passed her Christmas gift to Mel... didn't wrap it... sorry can you just get her to RIP it out of the errrrm Robinsons plastic bag?!?!! Hee! Bad Aunty Bessy!!

As The Deer said...

Hahahahahaha she is such a funny one. =)