Monday, October 08, 2007

Ready for baby

I feel bad. B-B-B-B-Bad to the bone.

I haven't been blogging much about Cheeks - especially her smart alecky antics and developmental milestones - so I'll make up for it now.

I fear my desire to have #2 has meme-ed to Danielle. Though I'm slightly baffled how, and why? I swear, I have not been obsessing about babies infront of her. Well, at least not wittingly.

Sure, I've asked her whether she's wanted a baby brother or sister before. Okay, twice. Thrice? But I've not gone further by, say, coercing her to play with baby dolls (so she practises playing big sister), coo-ing at every baby in buggy or moses basket, reading her books about having a new baby, nor have I pretended to have a bump in my tum.

But somehow, she's taken to saying things that make it seem as though I do have a baby in me. She utters earnestly, 'When you (referring to me) have a baby...', ' this is for our baby', 'I want to share this with your baby', and 'I want to have a baby brother, not sister, Mummy'.

What's more flummoxing is that she's actually prayed, uncontrivedly, to God.

I can't quite quote her verbatim, but this is a gist of what she said:
'Thank you God for today, and thank you for my food. Please let Mummy have a baby in her tummy. Amen'.


Last Friday, I decided to distract her from Nainai's very recent departure back to Singapore by bringing her on a shopping spree down Oxford Street. With Christmas 'round the corner' and soooo many October boys & girls on my bday list, I thought a bit of retail therapy would do us good.

We found our way to the kids section at H&M where I began sifting through racks, looking for onesies, smocks, little woolly caps and mittens for our various friends' babies/kids. Danielle, on the other hand, set upon picking baby clothing for 'our baby'. She picked out smart polo Tshirts, a little stuffed jaguar, some tropical-print skirts, Hello Kitty pyjamas, a rucksack and some woolly gloves... for our non-existent baby.

She looked every bit the proud, big sister.

And I felt a pinch of regret having to put all the things she'd carefully picked, back.

I hope her enthusiastic mentions of 'baby this' and 'baby that' is a show of support, and her readiness to have a sibling.

But. While it's sweet seeing her so enthusiastic to have a sibling - this, to me - remains bittersweet.


Hey hey hey!

In more upbeat news, here are some of the cute-ish things she said recently.

" Mummy, why is Abraham botak?" (see above. Aha!)
"Mummy, you can only have 1 baby ok? Not so many. "
(in response to God's promise to give Abraham as many children/ grandchildren/ greatgrandchildren as there are stars in the sky)
"I want to go to HK with Nainai. You and Papa stay at home so you can talk to each other."


1 comment:

Joanna Chng said...


Gosh, hunny, ur cheeky monkey is really putting me on an emotional rollercoaster with her sweet prayers and questions!

May God bless you+Dennis+Danielle with a new baby soon! Like you said, Christmas is "round" the corner! ;p