Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Soup of the Day

I'm almost embarrassed to blog this. Especially when my kitchen exploits are nothing to rave about, much less document.

But I really have to rant.

This kitchen appliance, this handheld wonder, has totally changed my life.

It whisks. It whizzes. It whirs. It transforms insipid-looking spuds and greens into potfuls of healthy, flavourful, sluuuurrpy soup.

I'm telling you, it is 'The Kitchen Appliance of the Year' in my books. Bar none.

It's not only solved all my vegetable woes with Danielle - because she can no longer look at stringy, chopped up bits of carrots, lettuce and broccoli in disdain, nor pick them out - it's settled some of my 'what to cook' dilemmas as well.

Why didn't I get one sooner?!!

Anyhew, I'm so moving on to puddings after this love affair with soups is over. I'm on a roll, peeps, I'm on a roll!

* Jh, Mel - soup's on the menu while you guys are here! Oh boy, next week! Woohoo!

my very 1st carrot & potato soup,
served with toast


Pooh said...

wat? no shepherd's pie??

mummy linda said...

Ya, I got this too when Javier start having his solid food. Very useful tool!

As The Deer said...

ha ha ha i want one too!!!

guess will have to wait till when ian and i live in TPY on our own (well sort of if you pretend the tenant is not there lol).