Days of Rotten Tomatoes & other foul-smelling banal bits
Do you ever wake up feeling like a rotten tomato? A squishy, stinking, mossy mess of glop? FOUL?
Well, today was my rotten tomato day.
I woke up with an irrepressible urge to sleep more. I wanted to crawl back to bed and play dead. Actually, I wanted to BE dead... dead to the world. I truly abhor such days because it certainly puts into perspective what it means to be a full-time mum - where I can't hang up my apron of SAHMotherdom, and simply wet-wipe my hands clean from looking after Cheeks.
You can't live life on a whim.
Anyways, back to 'Rotten Tomato Day'.
On RTD, I get to berate a shifty-eyed DHL man for being late in picking up the delivery. I would normally 'let such things go' but as the DHL lady who'd arranged the pick-up today chose to be sooo inflexible - despite my best efforts to suit their timing - I let fly. Lady, I DO HAVE a kid to drop off and pick up from school, y'hear?!! Bah.
On RTD, while Danielle is at nursery, I finish a bday card and wrap up a present for Es, do up a coupla Happy Halloween cards, 1 Get Well Soon card, and listen to Snow Patrol's 'Chasing Cars' again and again and again... definitely not good for somber days like this.I reflect on our trip to the National Portrait Gallery on Sunday and decide I like NPG best - even more than the very eclectic V&A, even MORE than The 'steeped-in-history' National Gallery. J'aime NPG.
After picking Danielle from nursery, we head for the Post Office for stamps. Post bday stuff and Get Well card. Halloween ones will have to wait. Make a mental note to look for 'em treats for 'em kiddies before sending out.
We go to the library. There, Danielle begins picking out books we've read, while I pick out books we haven't...
Look at sky. Clouds a-threatening...again. Bah bah.
Next, Balham High Street. Our 1st stop: Woolworth's - for assorted artcard sheets and stickers. End up buying slightly more than planned. Snagged me a 1/2 priced microwaveable dish- great for pies, thought I - and a roll of bday wrapping paper for more endless present wrapping...
Last stop, Boots. I pick out a hair conditioner for 99p, and some shower gel. JH and Mel are coming and NO ONE should be caught unscented, with their worst smells unfurled... Heh heh.
We get home. Danielle starts hounding me to do the 'paper bats' as promised. So we do. It keeps us busy for about an hour ('tis good). Am all 'batted' out now.
Like generous bloggers who share their recipe secrets and DIY handicraft tips on cyberspace, I too, want to jump on this altruistic bandwagon. So, here are the items needed to make paper bats, if you please: (drumroll)
1) Artcard sheets
2) Scissors
3) Little round stickers
4) and of course, a bat shape. Duh?
(Did you catch a whiff of sardonicism? You did, didn't you? Smartypants.)
Had dinner. Nothing douses a dismal day further than a very green goo...broccoli soup.
Whey hey! It's 9:08pm now. And Cheeks and Hubs are sound asleep like babies in a crib!
My RTD is finally over.
Saggs...don't beat yourself up over the occasional RTD?!!?? I feel like I go through RTD every weekend... and I'm only a weekend full-time mommy?!!!! Hahahahahaha
You're doing a fantastic job here so pls pls don't berate yourself... I can only WISH tt I had the energy & the creativity you've shown in bringing Danielle up... Gimme help when Jared's older ya?!! Need to recycle your fun ideas so I can "bond" with him & so he doesn't mistakenly think his Granny is his Mommy... haaaiizz
*pat..pat*. I know exactly how you feel. But hey! You did well and I'm sure the retail therapy helped somewhat.
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