Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Yesterday's Pain is Today's Sheer Bliss

In the movie Shadowlands, Debra Winger delivers, what I think, is the movie's most poignant line:

...the pain then is part of the happiness now.

That, in a nutshell, describes the torrent of emotions I feel today.

After a night of self-reproach over the way I handled Danielle yesterday, I'm thankful to God for the almost '180 degree flip' in how things panned out today.

We began the day at the library for the 11am reading session. Met Silka (with baby Nelson) and Devi (with baby Rosa) there. Had a nice chat and made arrangements to meet next week for a cuppa, and a cookie-baking session at Silka's. Whoopee!

Went to the One O'clock Club at Clapham Common, South Side. Hadn't been to a One O'clock Club in ages so it was a nice change to our daily routine. Had fun decorating paper Christmas trees with all sorts of glitter, bits and bobs. Adjourned to the playground after the One O'clock ended. Had a glorious time at the swings, played peek-a-boo at the train, and watched a beetle do a slow crawl on the chimney of the train. Danielle was absolutely fascinated coz it was her first time seeing a live beetle. Kicked autumn leaves together on the way home.

Once home, watched Bob the Builder (Giant Carrot, Mummy!) and Hi-5, did some doodling and pretended to paint each other's faces with watercolour paint (just brushes & paint. no water). And as she didn't have an afternoon nap, she was ABSOLUTELY beat by 8pm.

Woo Hoo!

I suppose this is what it means - when the Pain then (i.e yesterday's nightmare) adds immeasureable joy to the Happiness now.


1 comment:

Pooh said...

"Along with the sunshine, there’s gotta be a little rain sometimes"

hmm.. somehow, this song comes to mind.