Friday, November 24, 2006

Foul, Flu-ey & Frustrated

I've just gotten home from Boots (UK's fav chemist) having grudgingly spent a fortune on More medication for wee Nelle and meself! Bah!

To date, we've gone through 3 bottles of cough medication, 1 flu mixture, boxes of Lemsip (just me); even swallowed spoonfuls of the usually efficacious Chuan Be Pi Pa Gao, but still we're indisposed...

Perhaps Mum's right. Certain illnesses need to 'run their course'. It's the body's way of building up its immune system.

But seeing Danielle have difficulty sleeping at night, have a perpetual runny nose, watery eyes, a HUGE dip in appetite, regurgitate her food coz she doesn't know how to throw out phlegm, and cough so hard, is fretfully unsettling.

Our house is practically a 'viral war zone'. I'm convinced we've been beset by flu germs of every shape and size - where each attack leaves us more 'wounded' than the last.

What remains are tell-tales signs of a battle lost - wastepaper bins overflowing with tissues filled with snot, spit and all sorts of watery goo (sorry for the graphic details!), and a kitchen top lined with half-empty bottles flu/cough 'ammunition'.

So I certainly hope this new batch of medication work!

I'm declaring war on these confounded bugs! WAR, I say!!! *thumping chest in warrior princess-like stance*


Pooh said...

aiyoh.. still sick? Do hang in there. I know how miserable it can be to be sick during winter time.

Just make sure u2 drink lots of water and keep warm.

Saggs said...

We need the warmth of a friend like you! Heeheehee! *shudder*

So when are you coming over? Huh huh?

Anonymous said...

hey how about taking the cod liver oil mixture (that fishermen brand), yes the really gross tasting one that our parents used to chase after us around the house to swallow, apparently that really builds up ur resistance ...


Anonymous said...

Saggs, I'm gonna send you this recipe for "ABC Soup" (not sure if u already prepare it)! Its grt soul-food for when u are feelg ill & cold!! Its also called "ABC Soup" coz its filled with vitamins A, B & C! Great for building & boosting immunity!! Think it might also boost lil Doey's flagging appetite since its really just soup?

Hugs hugs

As The Deer said...

Oh dear... flu bug puhleaze go away! HUGS. You haf my sympathy n empathy... I hated getting a flu/cold in winter.