Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Just 3 magical words...

Saturday was my 'girly day out' with Clara and if you haven't already noticed, Danielle was markedly absent from those photos. She was at home 'bonding' with Papa (at least I hope that was what they were doing!).

When we got home that evening, my manjah little girl asked to be carried, hugged & coddled. She trailed me like a shadow and 'demanded' my undivided attention.

She must've missed me, I thought to myself. Having been away for 6 whole hours, I was happy to indulge her.

I no longer recall what we were doing at that time as it's inconsequential. All I remember is that special moment when suddenly - for the very first time - Danielle uttered,

"I Love You, Mummy".

It was unrehearsed, completely spontaneous.

And in that one, precise moment, I became the world's proudest mummy.

Happy is the day any parent hears these 3 magical words from their child. But happier still, when you know your child really means it...

I certainly do not know whether Danielle meant it when she said it. She is after all, but 2. Nevertheless, hearing those 3 special words from her was enough to make being her mummy the single most rewarding thing I've ever done in my life.

This poem is something I got off the internet by Robert Sexton, an American Romantic (or so he calls himself). No prizes for guessing why I chose it.

A Daughter's Gift
By Robert Sexton

When I imagine
the life you will live,
I think of the pleasure
your presence will give.

I see the joy your smile will light
and the wonders you'll weave
when your dreams take flight.

I feel the hope
that will grow with your grace
and the difference you'll make
to each heart you embrace.

I imagine your life
as I know it will be;
for, my daughter, you've given
all this to me.
* Last night, Danielle said 'I love you, Papa' to Dee when he came home. You'd hurry home just to hear those words again, wouldn't you Dee? How nice it is to come home, and simply receive love.


Anonymous said...

Hey Saggs, THAT is so sweet... I can imagine how 'proud' you must've been...and personally, I think you deserve every of the 3 little words our Doey uttered! You've been the most innovative, creative & loving mummy I know and I'm happy the lil' one appreciates it... hee!

Anonymous said...

Just Me..

Awww... that is the sweetest..:) Those three words and you know her little love is unconditional and from the heart. I guess she completes you.

Ya, def! You have been the most hardworking, 110% mom, doting mom.. :)

You are ready for the next one..*wink*

Saggs said...


Thank you for your compliments but there are far better, more sacrificial mummies out there. You just don't know them...
