Dayung Sampan ke Ingland...
After spending MONTHS at sea, it's finally arrived!
Yes, Mel, your Christmas package to us thankfully made it to British shores! Today!!!! After 2ish months?!!! Before CNY!
HALLELUJAH! *wave hands in manner of black gospel singers*
Thanks soooo much for the many gifts. Danielle loves all of them, especially the stickers! Even as I blog this, she's sticking them all over the place- on her arms, earlobes, eyes, nose, forehead, in her book, on the TV cabinet...That's how much she Digs them!And she adores the kitty slippers. She thinks they are 'the babies' of that cat cushion Cin & Ee Lin gave me all those years back.
Yup, definitely see the resemblance here.
And let's not get started on the bubble gun... :)
As for your gift to Dee, let's just say your status has been elevated to that of a 'demi- goddess'. Heh heh. Fabulous choice, that one.
U raawk, sista.
I'll let Mel know. She's in town.
hey.. finally got back to KL and read this blog..:)
Yippee!!! the presents finally came and i got a space on the blog..:)
I am so happy that everyone enjoyed their gifts. Thanks for making that video and pictures, it feels like i was there giving out the gifts myself..:) Your reactions were all worth the wait.
Woo hooo!!! .. i am a demi-goddess. Pls kiss the ground i walk on. You may raise, Dennis, my humble subject..:)
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