Friday, April 04, 2008

Down by the Water...

I hate to do this but it seems I must - be a weather girl and deliver updates about, well, THAT. It's simply too hard a topic to eschew, what with the vagaries of THAT here.

Right. Let's get a move on the subject then, shall we?

I MUST rave about the gorgeous weather we've been having these past 2 days!!! The Sun's been too generous, treating us to huge doses of warm, golden sunbeams. We be unworthy, O sizzling One!

The days are also longer, and it feels... right. Walking home at a quarter to 7 today was utter bliss - seeing the evening sun linger on the horizon.

If only things can be consistently THIS GOOD. But good things never last. The weather people at the meteorological station have already indicated there'll be showers over the weekend. GAH!


Cheeks and I were invited to a friend's place for lunch over at Canada Water today. Joanne is someone we got to know at a SUKA event. We've since dropped our membership with SUKA but continued to keep in touch with Joanne. Mostly through FB.

This was our first visit to Jo's, and our 2nd time walking around Canada Water. I shouldn't include our first experience, really, since it was dark by the time we arrived and I couldn't quite acquaint myself with the area. But what I saw today, I liked.

I didn't get to walk around the shopping area yet again but the way to Jo's was an eye-opener in itself. The residential area in Canada Water is so unlike other parts of London. The bits I walked through had none of that old, grotty, run-down feel that is evident in so many of the suburbs. And it had a quiet serenity about it - which I can't quite put my finger on - less hustle and bustle, less traffic? Cheeks and I strolled past lovely, low-rise, gated apartments, neat rows of new-ish brick houses, and stood on a crossover, admiring the canal that runs through Canada Water and Surrey Water. So pretty.

Lunch was simple yet delicious home-cooked pineapple pork and fried rice. Besides us, Jo had also invited another friend, Shasha, who's from Beijing. We had a riotous time sharing anecdotes/opinions on the NHS, the reserved Brits, their work, life in the UK, the weather (again!!!), laughing over HK celebrity scandals, SPGs, the transport system, anything!

Jo also introduced the BEST bottled chilli to me which I must now hunt down at Leicester Sq. It was shiokus! And I made banoffee pie for all to share over a cuppa. Which, they were kind to compliment. *tiny beam*

Cheeks behaved immaculately all afternoon. While we ladies chatted, she entertained herself by watching Cbeebies, played happily with Jo's Sylvanian family dollhouses and figurines (Jo's a huge fan!), and made clay people which we later baked in the oven and brought home as momentos.

She didn't fuss for attention. Ok, maybe a teeny bit. So I was able to enjoy adult conversation/ company, with little interruption.

And that was my extra bit of blessing for today - getting some time away from Cheeks, yet having her right there with me. All topped off with glorious weather, now let's not forget THAT! :)

my cheeky litte angel ...sometimes. :)

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