Wednesday, November 28, 2007

And another turns 3

Kids, poised and ready to launch
their attack on the bday cake

When Ethan Lee (Elliott's brother) turned 3 two weeks ago, his parents Sam and Adeline, threw him a special party at a charming pottery craft shop called, 'Art 4 Fun' in West Hampstead. I thought it was a brilliant venue to host a kiddy party because the clay painting activity was good fun for all the family.

After a sumptuous spread of spaghetti (which I mistook for mee goreng... don't ask me how. Duh.), home-made samosas, fishballs, prawn salad, pizzas etc, everyone was ready and itching to get creative.

Dee and I let Cheeks choose our clay figurine. Surprisingly, she chose a cat and said she wanted to paint our cat, Bambi. Considering she's never been particularly close to my cat - she was too young to really interact with Bambi; afterwhich we upped and left for London - I was rather nonplussed, yet pleased that she remembers our dear ol' cat back in SGP. So we did our best to paint the clay cat in Bam's likeness.

I must say I am quite pleased with the results. Look:

Papa dishing out instructions
on where to paint 'Bambi's' patches

Before going into the kiln

The finished product.
I say there's a semblance. :)


Chub & Chum said...

She's got quite some talent doesn't she!

Pooh said...

Am surprised that she actually still remembers Bambi.

Anonymous said...

what a happy looking cat..:)
