Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Little Storyteller

Dear family, friends, fellow bloggermums, people who stumbled on my blog simply because it was randomly thrust upon you when you did a 'Next Blog' click,


How nice of you to drop in and how timely too because - whaddya know - it's storytime here in Saggs' City!

What you're about to hear is an original, unrehearsed, completely unadulterated, totally off-the-cuff story by my 3YO.

But first... a little background story, about the story.

It all began when this thoroughly pooped-out (and I mean every sense of that word) mum ran out of ideas on how to entertain her little one. Opting for a more sedentary activity as opposed to playing hide-and-seek for the 28987376th time, we began concocting stories while snuggled up in bed.

Now, prior to the story you're about to hear, she'd entertained me with a delightful tale about a monkey climbing 'up and up and up and up' a tree for its banana. I had hoped she'd re-tell that story for the camera but no, that was a once-off, as is the following.

Well well, enough prattle from me. Here she is, my daughter, with one of her originals... Enjoy.

A story by Danielle from Saggieswee on Vimeo.

(for those who need subtitles)
One day there was a Papa, then he saw a monkey. Then there were two monkeys - there was 1 baby one, 1 mummy one. Then, Dora came! She realised that were her monkeys. 'No, that's my monkey!' said Dora. Then, she 'brang' them home, because they were her monkeys.


Pooh said...

hahaha... she sounds exactly like you when she says, "'No, that's my monkey!"

That's so cool.. now she's making up her own stories eh?

Maybe you two can co-author a children's book together.

Anonymous said...

She is so cute lor! Hahaha.

Ya whenever Kae makes up his own cockanadan stories, he leaves me in stitches too.

Kids... I cannot describe the joy they can give to old foggies and young foggies who feel old.

Anonymous said...

Awwwww... miss that Ms little "i dun want to"..:) she is just the cutest..

Hey, she does look a slightly changed on camera recently.. cant put a finger to it.. did you do something with her fringe??