Sunday, November 11, 2007

Baking out the Blues

Mel says my mastery in being able to 'summon' Sadness with the snap of my fingers, then meme-ing it to people around me, is deserving of idolatry. To her I say - it's not mastery, it's an art that's been perfected through time. Ahem.

And while I'm busy *virtually* peeling her pouty lips from off the ground I've tread upon, I'd like to draw everyone's attention to...

freshly baked cupcakes!

Tired of moaning and moping, I decided to shake off all negative, defeatist feelings with a good ol' kitchen remedy (???) - B.A.K.I.N.G.

But gawd, I CANNOT BAKE. In order to eschew any (highly) possible kitchen disasters, I resorted to using these vunderbah baking aids. Oh, I kiss the ground of the inventors of these stress-free creations. Muah muah muah.

Ready-mix Dora Cupcakes!

So Friday, Saturday - I baked. And baked. And baked.

Not only ready-mix cupcakes, but REAL, recommended-off-the-internet-recipe, chocolate chip cookies.

You know, I really love the idea of baking. Even though I'll never be a pâtissier. I always gawp (and drool) whenever I read/check out the foodie pictures on cooking blogs. I marvel at the baking prowess of these bloggers . (Ros, must take you on as my sifu!)

Anyway, anyway. Why baking therapy? Inspired by an episode ('I Am a Tree') from Grey's Anatomy where Izzie channels her grief into muffin-making, I thought why not? It satisfies two primary needs - to stave off the blues, and to indulge unabashedly in sweet, sweet comfort food.

So right now, sitting in my kitchen is a tray of cupcakes and tupperware-LOADs of chocolate chip cookies. I'd offer an entire batch to you but they taste somewhat like fibre-y sawdust.

trust me, they are as pasty as they look

It's no fault of the recipe though. It's me.

I CANNOT bake. But at least, I'm a lot less blue.


Daughter Of Sarah said...

Cupcakes good! Cookies even better! At least U can bake ur blues away lol. I refuse to touch Mum's oven for now coz the last time we used it, we ended up with melted plastic covers stuck in some obscure part of the oven. Yes Mum fills the oven with plastic containers. She's no baker as u can see.

Roslyn said...

Haha! Me sifu? FAR from it. I wish I can bake better. I can only be proud of my pandan cake.

Saggs said...