Wednesday, May 23, 2007

These Legs are Made for Walking?

We saw 5 apartments today. I say 'we' because Dee took some time off work to view 3 of the apartments with me.

It was good having him around as I'd have given an eager nod to a lot more properties than he. And the man is, ultimately, the ONE we REALLY need to cater to.

Hang on, am I making it sound like my opinions don't matter? Of course they do. It's just that I'm letting Dee have the final say, that's all. It is important to me that he's comfortable with the new residence because, in truth, he is Mr Pay-ALL-the-bills, as well as the one who's enduring work shit, stress, and then some. So even if his criteria seem a weeeeeeeeee bit inflexible (3 min walk to the Tube! 3 min walk to the Tube! 3 min walk to the Tube!), I'm willing to accede to all of them (or all of 'it'? as there seems to be only 1?).

In any case, I know Dee would never FORCE me to say 'yes' to a place I absolutely abhor.

We didn't put the offer in for the lovely Tunley Road maisonette in the end. Dee's legs, (literally) stopped dead in their tracks at the sight of the distance from that flat to the Tube. The twin terrors then went on a lengthy diatribe, and even threatened to go on strike should we take up the apartment. Fearing they'd stop work...walking for him, Dee buckled at the knees and begged me to concede to their unreasonable demands. They were and are, his ONLY means of transport. If they wouldn't move him, who would? Lazy stumps.

So alas, despite 63 Tunley Rd's near-pristine and plush conditions, we had to say NAY.

Then we saw another property, a 1 Bedroom unit along Balham High Road. Very nice apt - quite new, clean, cozy. Most imptly, it's CLOSE to the Tube! But I envisage we will have a storage problem if we take this one up. The house comes with v little cupboard space. Plus, where is Danielle going to sleep? In the reception? On the floor? In the tub? In our bed (No way! No way!)? We're still keeping that KIV though, until...

...we view another apartment that's just gone on the market. Get this - it's on the same street as our current flat! Woo hoo! I hear it has an attic and all, and from the pictures, the reception (aka living room) looks spacious, and has good natural lighting. I'm like, TOTALLY psyched for the viewing tomorrow! This property is located at the far end of H Road though, not at the start of the street like our current place. But it's still at H Road, and to Dee, that's ALL that matters!

Prayers please! :)


I am "B" said...

Don't vorry don't vorry... its all in His hands... am sure something good will come along & it will be an apartment that meets with Dee's specific requirements! Hahahahaha..

As The Deer said...

Haha I could actually see Dennis's knees looking annoyed and having a serious chat on going on strike, whilst Dennis starts looking perplexed about their threats! =D

It would so make for good animation!

Having said that I have utmost confidence that you will land a nice place to call home (until you return to SG), that Denni's knees/legs/toes will be placated and where Danielle can sleep in her own bed not between your sheets or in a bath tub or on the cold "par-kwett" floor.

I see that you guys are going for Parquet floors in the last few places. Although I detest carpets and vacuuming them, they are great in winter. Lol. Won't you consider em? =)

And kudos to letting the Head of the Chan Tribe make the decisions. =) I trust that God will help Dennis make the best decisions for your family. Just like I trust Ian will do the same... =D

Stay chirpy Saggie SAHM... the dream house is on its way! Tell us how Property H goes soon... can't wait. I gotta memorise a new address to snail mail out... and paste stickers over the envelopes I have already pre-addressed ha ha.

Pooh said...

sheesh... I walk 10mins to the bus stop everyday and I'm not complaining.

Mr Dee is getting too pampered.

Mr Dee.. what's your weight now ah?