Thursday, July 19, 2007

Lochinvar Oct 2 2006 ~ 20 Jul 2007

I once did a personality test on Blogthings and trivial as the test was, I thought it was spot on when it revealed: ...also nostalgic, you rarely forget a meaningful moment... even those from long ago.


Tomorrow is Danielle's last day at Lochinvar Pre-school Playhouse.

The school's closing for the summer. When it resumes on Sept 4, Danielle will not be amongst the children returning for a new term.

This September, she'll begin a fresh term at another nursery.

It is not without a tinge of sadness that we say goodbye to the school we've both grown very attached to these past 10 mths. It's proven to be an excellent playschool for Danielle. She's made lots of friends, enjoyed 2-odd hours of educational, creative, energetic playtime, 5 times a week. Through their 'cooking sessions', she experienced many 1sts -- she made her 1st-ever pita bread ensemble, hand and foot sandwich, baked wheatbuns, and dabbled in cookie/muffin decorating.

She painted, drew, coloured, glued, cut, stamped and playdoh-ed. So much so that I amassed a huge collection of all her artwork and used them as 'wallpaper' in her room.

They went on cool excursions like the one to the Natural History Museum, and warm, intimate ones like the Teddy Bears Picnic last week. They oohed and ahhed together when the fire brigade, the dentist, and the police popped by the nursery for a visit.

She attended costume parties, celebrated special occasions (Christmas, CNY, Diwali, St Georges's Day) and competed on Sports Day.

The funny thing is, Lochinvar wasn't even on my list of potential schools when I was busy scouting for playschools last year. I'd just happened to walk pass it on my way home from a nursery viewing. When I peered through the window, what greeted me was a sea of smiley, grinning faces. And I was absolutely and utterly beguiled. Then I thought to myself -- a playschool filled with happy, smiley children must be doing something right.

I never regretted my decision.

the window that clinched it for me

In this post, I thought it befitting to leave a picture of Danielle taken on her first day of school. In it, she weeps tears of anxiety, knowing school would separate her from Dee and me.

don't leave me...

If she only knew that tomorrow was the last time she'd play and interact with her fav Mandy (the teacher who works on her most), Jo, Teresa and Sandra. I'd wager a guess that her sentiments would be exactly as it was on her first day.

Kinda funny how things go a full circle.

Tomorrow is Danielle's last day at Lochinvar, so this is me remembering the moment for her lest she forgets. This is me remembering the moment so I never forget.

Here's a tribute to the wonderful school where Danielle laughed, played and blossomed...

free music

Note to self:
The little friends Danielle leaves behind: Bunmi, Alexi, Leo, Tom, Joseph, Muhamed, Isabella, Valentin,Ramon, Shakira, Toby, Lola, Aaron, Anthony, Stuart, Phoebe, Hosan, Elliot, Zak, Dorothy, Amber, Ryan

The little friends moving to the same nursery in Sept: Hannah Leung, Hannah-Grace, Jamie, Mathew


Shalom said...

I know what you mean by the window sealed the deal... =) It looks so cozy!!

I think it is great you are remembering all these for Danielle... and as I was reading the little Memoriam of Lochinvar, I felt as if we have been journeying along with U and Danielle all this while so it is hard to say bubbye to the school too.

I think Danielle is so blessed to have grown up in such a lovely little school. The teachers look so sweet and the size of the classroom seems so ideal. ^.^

For me, I asked for a sign that we would know this school that Kae is in (Living Sanctuary Kindergarten) is like THE place for Kae to grow in for this part of his life... and the sign Daddy sent in reply on that same day, was that his class would be called Graceland =D

No... Graceland was a sign not because of Elvis but because we've been growing in the gospel of Grace as a family of sorts...... So the word "Grace" has been a huge part of our lives. Plus, we were attending Grace AOG then... although we have since moved to a church that preaches very strongly the msg of Grace!

At the end of the day, it is amazing how Daddy God just helps us Mummies feel from deep within... like totally know... if that is the right place. And usually the kids love the places as a result!

Mummy B, you will one day also be able to sense the right school he he he... God's put that "mechanism" inside parents. =D

Do send me pics of your son. Didn't hear from U so hope the reply I gave was ok?

I am "B" said...

Hey Saggs, how come hve to move to new nursery?

Aside to Geri, sorry been in & out of the net coz just busy pumpin' pumpin' milk for the wee one .. altho one wouldn't actually think he's a WEE one from the size of his appetite...sheesh! :-)

Supply has been showing an upward trend...slowly... but for tt, i'm grateful! Still NOT enuf to feed the 'wee' one total breastmilk but almost 70% of his daily feeds come frm EBM (expressed breastmilk) & the rest supplement FM... haaiiz