Thursday, February 08, 2007

Blistering Snow!

A show of hands those who know what it means to 'freeze your butt off'. Anyone, anyone?

Well, I do, for one. Never in all my 30-ish years have I experienced such literalness in a phrase till today.

Yeeooowzee-doo-wop-dee-whoop-fa-la-la-la!!! as I let freeze my oh-so-gargantuan-tush on the toilet seat. (don't ask me why I break into a ditty-like exclamation under such exposed & painful situations. I'm weird that way.)

At around 4am-ish, it started snowing in London. Much more today than it did 2 weeks ago. The sky pelted snowflakes fast and furiously, and soon rooftops, vehicles, foliage, the streets of London were camouflaged by a blanket of snow.

When we woke up later that morning, I was surprised to find it still snowing. So being the sua ku and not to mention shame-less Singaporeans, we unabashedly took pictures of ourselves in the snow.

A little late, or early, depending on how you choose to look at it, but it felt like Christmas all over again. So let's bring Bing on and enjoy the snow for what it's worth... :)


Unknown said...

So pretty! And lil Danielle looks so cute too in her coat!

Anonymous said...

Ooo Ze English Weather is acting is as usual. Little McNelle seems really happy about the snow hehe. She looks so adorable lah. AND dun get me started on those rosy cheeks!!!! =D