Saggs' Bookclub for Kids
I've never been one to frequent libraries in Singapore. I wish I was a more avid reader, but I'm not. On my night stand are books I've bought & plan to read, but mostly it's piled with stacks of ES mags that come free with every Friday's Evening Standard.
Oooh I just can't help myself, I need tabloid trash from somewhere!
Since moving here, I've had no choice but to resuscitate my (practically) non-existent love affair with libraries and books. And revive they have. Libraries are perfect defillabrators because they are such a good resource for entertainment/education.
It's helped that our local library - with its friendly librarians, Story Times and well-stocked shelves - made it easy for me to get 'into the groove'. But the clincher - none of 'em grimy, grotty books we find so often in public libraries! YAY!Reading to Danielle has also helped ignite my passion for the activity (golly, that sounds so 'formal'?). Even though the majority of books I read now are for 2YOs & onwards, they are immensely enjoyable. The innocence that resonates from each page reminds me of my childhood. I remember days where I'd curl up in a chair and devour page after page of Enid Blyton, Judy Blume and Roald Dahl... I wonder where my tenaciousness to finish a book from cover to cover went? Must've been lost in transition.
Anyway... back to the library. I've found solace within its walls. And thankfully, Danielle seems to enjoy her time there too. We pick out new books, she mingles with other children, and chats up the librarians.
At 2!
Especially with that young chap with a mohawk. Oh help. Indeed, libraries are gold mines waiting to be tapped, and we're blessed that our life here allows us to be immersed in books for hours and hours.
I've been here for almost 9 months and already we've gone through over a hundred different books. And from the hundreds, I've managed to sift out some good childrens' authors from, perhaps, the mediocre. Through our reading sessions, I've found out which books keep us both engrossed.
It is through our personal experience (experiences? oh, I can never get these right!) that I'd like to share our list of great childrens' authors:
Our Top 10 Great Childrens' Authors:
1. Julia Donaldson
2. Eric Carle
3. Ian Whybrow
4. Marc Brown
5. Lucy Cousins
6. Mick Inpen
7. Jane Hissey
8. David Wojtowycz
9. Nick Butterworth
10. Jean & Gareth Adamson
Although they've been placed in random order, I'd have to say Julia Donaldson is our favourite author at the moment. Her writing style and storylines are simply delightful.And our favourite book by her is Sharing A Shell. Coincidentally, a song based on the story was composed specially for World Book Day 2007. Watch Julia and her husband perform the charming ditty here.
Danielle not only makes me play the song on the computer EVERYDAY, it's also her most requested bedtime lullaby. So yes, I've had to learn to sing it. If anyone cares for a performance when I'm back in SGP, let me know! Kekeke.There are lots of other great childrens' authors (David McKee, Enid Blyton, Dr Suess et al) but I've left them out of our list since I haven't introduced their titles to Danielle yet.
If at anytime you decide to check out our recommendations, do share your views on the authors/books ok? But I hope the books will bring you & your child/children hours of pleasurable entertainment, in the same way they've brought Danielle and me!
Here's to many more days of reading, singing & FUN while you're at it! :)
Haha our local libraries are very good too. Check out the NLB at Bras Basah when U are back. Or even the new Jurong one. The kids section isn't too bad really & the books are pretty well kept these days in general.
Kae is attempting the newspapers these days as well as more story books. =) Think he is reading well cept that he occassionally pauses at the wrong places. Haha. He gets big words quite alright too and will ask about the meaning of more advanced words.
oh my gosh, danielle is getting so big! how's dennis doing?
It's good that Danielle loves books. Hui and she will enjoy visiting the library together.
By the way, she (Nelle) is starting to look more and more like you (esp. in the two photos here).
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